Our Team
For general information, please call our main number at
(423) 650-4106 or email us at familypromisebradleycounty@gmail.com.
Executive Director
Eva VanHook
Eva has worked with Family Promise of Bradley County since 2011. She has a Master’s Degree in Holistic Child Development from Lee University. She was named Executive Director in 2014. She is married to Rob VanHook and they have two sons, Peyton and Riley.
Case Manager
Tiffany Kirkpatrick
Tiffany Kirkpatrick is the Case Manager at Family Promise of Bradley County. She has her Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga and comes from a child welfare background. Tiffany works one on one with the families in our Shelter Program to obtain stable housing and employment in hopes to break the cycle of poverty one family at a time. Additionally, she assists families in our rental assistance program, Project Home.
Resource Developer
Stacy Aldridge
Stacy Aldridge is the Resource Developer for Family Promise of Bradley County. She was introduced to Family Promise in 2020 and hired as a Resource Developer in August 2023. She has two children Calvin and Kaylee. Stacy hopes to attend Cleveland State Community College in the fall to study psychology. In her role, she gets to build relationships with local businesses and churches in our community.
Americorps VISTA
Jen Condon
Jen serves as the United Way Americorps VISTA for Family Promise of Bradley County. As a VISTA, she focuses on capacity building for the organization. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology from Lee University.