We believe that family homelessness needs a community response. Corporations are a part of that solution. Find out how companies are making a difference for families all across the country.

United Way of the Ocoee Region
Family Promise of Bradley County is proud to partner with the United Way of the Ocoee Region. Their support reaches beyond the programs offered by FPBC and unites us as a community.

Jackson Furniture
Jackson Furniture is the newest partner to Family Promise of Bradley County. They support our graduating families by providing furniture to turn their house into a home!

Easy Auto
Easy Auto is a wonderful supporter of the Cleveland Circuit Ride, our annual signature event. They are always so wonderful to work with and support our families so much!

Southern Heritage Bank
Southern Heritage Bank has been a great supporter of our events. They always host a table at our Annual Banquet and provide Course Support for the Cleveland Circuit Ride.

Belk is a fantastic supporter of Family Promise in the South. They hold annual fundraisers to assist us in growing awareness and raising funds.

HomeGoods is a great supporter of Family Promise. They provided funding as a part of their Grand Opening!